- Woke up with no power and no electricity
- The thing is, when you come out of the train station and it's only a dirt road that leads you to from the railway station to the hostel, you're already prepared for this but still it was kind of inconvenient
Baihe Railway Station with said dirt road |
- I did get what I paid for though, I only spent 40.5 yuan for the room for the night which is a little more than $10 so I actually wasn't that mad
- Plus, I actually got to sit down and actually study Chinese for the first time in probably two weeks so now I (might) know a little more Chinese if people speak in a perfect Beijing accent (which they won't but I can always hope)
- The breakfast buffet made everything alright
- Somehow without electricity the people at the hostel kept things going by serving this awesome breakfast buffet for 8 RMB (a little more than a dollar)
- It was actually kind of funny when I asked the old lady for hot water to drink (I didn't feel like getting diphtheria straight from the tap because I know that cold water is unsanitary in northeastern China) and the lady just pointed at the broth and said, "There you go"
- I went "oh" and like a good complacent American I slurped my broth like a true Chinese-loud enough for the entire room to hear
- Plus that was the best tofu I ever had (in the second picture on the right)
- In America the tofu is pretty bad but oh man I could eat that tofu every day and not feel like a sissy because it was so good
- I found out how good the staff at Chang-Bai-Shan Woodland Youth International Hostel are
- In a country where a lot of teenagers where some pretty ridiculous English t-shirts that make no sense, the guy at the front desk was up there singing to himself, "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll be right here waiting for you"
- I guess he couldn't see me around the corner from him but I had to hold my hand over my mouth because I was laughing so hard
- I can tell that just like Americans who sing it, he felt ashamed of himself for singing it because as soon as I got up he saw me and he had a surprised look on his face and stopped
- If I ever come to Chang-Bai-Shan again it's for the food at this Hostel
- After studying Chinese for a good 2 hours I got hungry and I had wantons and egg noodles for the first time in China and they were really good (all for 16 RMB-$2.50)
- I sipped the bowls dry they were so good
- If you're uncomfortable in your masculinity, get chap stick before you leave for China
- So I didn't realize how dry it can get in northeastern China and my lips got so chap it hurt to smile (and I like to smile a lot)
- Therefore, seeing that I had a lot of free time before a 36-hour train because I'm too cheap to buy an airplane ticket, I really needed chap stick and tried to find some in downtown Baihe
- Oh the Chin-glish in downtown Baihe was absolutely fantastic
This is what downtown Baihe looks like |
- Downtown Baihe was actually quite handy-except for finding manly chap stick
- I found everything else I needed just fine-shampoo, mouthwash, shower gel, etc. but every time I tried to find lip balm it was always this girly looking thing with sparkles or the package had flowers on it
- I need something to keep my lips from getting chap, not more estrogen
- Now I know why at least the men in China don't smile-they're too manly to buy the girly lip balm
- I looked everywhere trying to find a place that didn't have girly lip balm and after about an hour of looking I finally gave up and just bought this blue lip balm with no glitter or anything
- I won't lie, this lip balm is pretty strong as I can smell it and now people are going to think Americans are effeminate
- I'll just tell people I have a Chinese wife or something, I think they'll believe me
- Traveled around a bit with two Chinese young people
- There were these two young Chinese people (a guy and a gal) and they wanted to go to a park and they invited me along
- The first impression of the girl was weird only because she held the door open for me, I said "Thank you" and she said, "It doesn't matter"
- After I gave her a strange look she looked up, said "Oh", looked back at me and said, "Sorry, wrong phrase"
- She was a horticultural student and she liked to talk
- We talked a lot about cooking and she was surprised that a male member of society like myself actually liked to cook
- It was a ton of fun to actually do something with a group of people (and have an intelligible conversation in English)
- Plus she pointed out this really cool flower I never saw before called a "Bleeding Heart"
- Another game of "What did Bruce eat?"
- So the waitress recommended this, a guy gave his thumbs up when she recommended it, and it was quite tasty but I don't even know the type of meat that was in it
- Plus the best part of these restaurants were giving me free food (so I got another good helping of dog meat before I head to Hohhot) for what I hope is just being good hosts but I think it might be out of pity that I look like the sad attempt of mating John Ritter and Kelly Osbourne