Sunday, May 27th, 2012 - Dandong Fun/Exercises in Chinglish
Still trying to get used to safety razors
- I figured that when I start teaching in rural China this fall, I better start getting used to not having reliable electricity so I started to try to use safety razors after 5 years of using an electric razor
- This morning I gave myself 7 nicks and at least it makes me look younger (like I have a lot of pimples on my face) so it's no wonder why no Chinese want to take a picture with this foreigner
Websites I found blocked in China
- I woke up really early so for fun I wanted to see what websites I couldn't get to if I didn't have a VPN so here are a few and I realized that information would be a lot harder to find if I weren't American so thank you Uncle Sam
- Facebook
- Anything with Tiananmen Square Protests
- Wikipedia
- Blogger
- Here’s some more that I didn’t have time to check because I had some exploring to do:'s_Republic_of_China
Dandong looks a lot like my hometown of Rockford, IL
- Just take all of Dandong, put it in north central Illinois, and you might not be able to tell the difference
- You can almost think of Dandong as Detroit with all of the buildings with busted out windows and dirty roads but you just feel really safe anyways for some odd reason

- But at least Rockford has no smog
- I think that because I was outside in Dandong for maybe 10 hours today, I may have shaved off an extra 5 hours of my life because of all of the pollution I took into my system
- Not only that, at least Rockford has toilet paper in every bathroom stall
- I don’t know how I forgot about the 20 times I’ve been told that Chinese bathrooms don’t have toilet paper but I forgot (I had been spoiled in Dalian and Beijing where they’re used to having westerners and their customs)
- New rule, if your country is going to take over the world someday, you have to have toilet paper or else we’re calling it off
- Trip to Great Wall of China
- Dandong has a piece of the Great Wall they call “Tiger Mountain Great Wall” and I was going to take the bus but because of the 4 AM sunrise I couldn’t sleep so I decided to try and walk there because my Lonely Planet guide said it was about 12 km away which for me is about an hour walk
- Well I checked the taxi fare just to make sure it would be worth my while to take a taxi but they wanted 60 RMB and I said screw that so I started walking down a road
- Yeah, it turns out it was about 29 km away from Dandong and Lonely Planet was wrong out of their rear-end
- I walked for an hour and didn’t see a single sign so I asked someone in Chinese how far is it and they said about 15 km
- Well I hailed a taxi and it turns out it would have taken me about 3.5 hours to walk there from my hotel and I ended up only saving 10 RMB on the taxi fare
- Great Wall was awesome/my thighs will never forgive me
- It was worth the 70 RMB admission just to say I went once
- The stair climbers that they have at American gyms have nothing on these steps at the Great Wall
- Sometimes they didn’t even have stairs and it was more like rock climbing with two hand-rails on either side of you which made it really fun (no sarcasm, it actually was pretty fun to do some rock climbing on the great wall of China)
- The museum was cool if you understand Chinese
- If you have my proficiency or less in Chinese, I’d say skip the museum and save the RMB because the picture below basically sums it up. (It’s supposed to say “green”)
- Got to see North Korea
- Even took a photo of a North Korean soldier guarding the fence like he was expecting an attack from an American imperialist at any second
- It was funny in that he saw me took a picture of him, I waved and screamed out, “HI!” and he squatted with a pen and a piece of paper and took notes

- So my negotiation skills are improving in the fact that even though I’m a foreigner and pretty easy to rip off, I actually made a pretty good deal for this North Korean currency souvenir
- This little old lady by the North Korean border was selling some Won (North Korean currency) in a spiffy portfolio and she wanted 50 yuan for it
- I said, “Ehhhh” and she said, alright, alright (I think) and said 40 yuan, so I took the deal thinking I got ripped off but at least I got a good souvenir
- So this lady was an unofficial saleswoman and the official store up at the main entrance to the great wall had the same souvenir but for 110 yuan (the lady lowered it to 95 yuan but I just wanted to see how much people were selling it for to see if I got ripped off)
- Then later at my hotel room with the bloody towel, I checked and the 6850 won in this portfolio is worth 36.7518 yuan so it wasn’t that bad of a deal at all for me
- Yeah I lost money but if you factor in that I got it in a nicely put portfolio and I’m helping small businesses *cough cough* then I think I made out alright
- Met Yang Yue 杨悦 and Qi
- On my way out of the Great Wall, for the first time since I’ve been in China, someone asked to take a picture of me
- I felt so honored because for the longest time I thought that I was so ugly that even the Chinese that haven’t seen a white guy before don’t want a photo of me
- The funny thing is that it was Yang Yue took the photo with me and Qi held the camera, well Qi looks like a boy and Yue is definitely a girl, so I thought Yue was just going to keep her distance because I thought they were dating or something, but Yue she got really close to me and so I looked at Qi and I made a hand motion like, “no”
- And of course, Yue was wearing an English shirt that wasn't quite right
- They were really nice and Yue spoke really good English so we had a chat and she helped me find a bus to Dandong for 6.5 RMB which saved me 90% of what I was going to pay by taxi to get back
- They took me to this really awesome restaurant called 石锅拌饭 which basically means stone pot restaurant and it was absolutely delicious
- I did get a chance to show them my lack of chopstick skills and they got to practice English so I think we’re even
- Then we went to the tourist wharf which is home to the bridge that goes from Dandong to North Korea
- That’s where I told them about American customs like how in China if two women hold hands it means they’re best friends but in America that means they’re lesbians
- She laughed at that and said, “No, me and Qi are not lesbians” and it took me that long (about two hours) to realize that Qi was a girl
- Plus I was surprised that she knew the word “lesbians” but not “salary” or “earnings”
- Museum to Commemorate US Aggression
- This museum was awesome in the fact that it was in English and there was just enough things to go "what?" to make it funny
- This one about those darn Americans and their running dogs
- Alright guys, we need to "rosist" U.S. aggression hahaha
- And only resistance can "toach" the imperialists a lesson hahaha
- Plus I got more of my pictures taken which I won’t lie, it did make me feel really good
- The thing was that it was about 12 old women all in a row owho wanted to take pictures of me and the last one I think has a white guy thing because she was all up on me and I think she got a picture of me giving her the stink eye
- And even more Chinglish
- And by the way, they think they won the Korean War, but based on the fact that this kid was wearing a US Army t-shirt at the museum, I think capitalism (or should I say imperialism) is gaining the upper hand
- Pagoda
- And Dandong has two beautiful pagodas (one was closed due to construction) with nice views
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